This is...a lot better than I expected. And the melodic singing is a nice break from the screaming that we get a lot of in the AP. I rated 5.
This is...a lot better than I expected. And the melodic singing is a nice break from the screaming that we get a lot of in the AP. I rated 5.
Thanks for the review! Hope you liked it, we have more music to submit in the later days.
Just like usual. Keep it up, Adavant.
Just like usual, I love you.
Oh my god.
You are seriously one of my most favorite artists on NG.
No, scratch that.
You are one of my most favorite artists PERIOD.
One reason is, this song right here. Fucking EPIC. And it sounds so professional, it's hard to believe you're not signed to some record label.
haha:P yeah it's really hard to tell that it's all record in this small little room where you barely can fit two people in att the same time:P
Not much I can say. I think all my other reviews on your songs pretty much sums it up. Your musical skill is amazing. What angers me is that there are so many shitty bands that get signed to labels and go on tours and shit while so many of the people still here on newgrounds are so much better than many of them. If i could, I would get you with a label right away, along with a few others. You are truly worthy of my mp3 player, where only the great ones are allowed.
Haha. Thanks a lot man. We'll get our break eventually. One step at a time. 1st step...Finding a way to get all these zero bombers to die. lol.
Once again I have found another one of your songs that I absolutely love. But it's not that hard to find a good song from you guys when you're so good. This type of metal is what I want to hear. Really rhythmic, not too heavy, though still plenty heavy, and I think the piano is a nice touch. You guys are my favorite band on Newgrounds. The mixing could be improved a bit, though, but not much. And I still can't believe you're American. You sound so European. 10/10, 5/5, favorite, download! \m/
Thanks alot man. It's nice to hear profound appreciation. Hopefully we'll be getting our stuff remixed and mastered over the holidays. When we do I'll make sure to give you a personal shout and let you know.
As usual, i love it. Your band is one of the best bands i have ever heard. But, the drums are weak sounding. Also the guitars sound a LITTLE midi-ish. Just make a few adjustments and some better recording equipment and it would sound more professional. But the playing and the vox is amazing as usual. I gotta get out to Arizona and see one of your shows, because i'm sure this would be even better live. 5/5, 10/10, favorite. keep rocking! \m/
That is what we are known for. Lol. our live shows are great! You should! Hell, it would be free for you sir if you did. Party with us after. But in regards to the song. The drums are gonna get remixed in all the songs I have up, as is the guitar bass and piano. So keep a solid look out for any remixed songs of mine that get posted.
i love it!
It's beautiful! the female vocalist is absolutely amazing, as well as the guitars, the female vocals, the drums, the piano, it's so beautiful! another reason to love it is that it's melodic and not just total brutal-as-hell-blow-your-eardrums-out metal. 5/5, faved, and downloaded! (and that's really good because i hardly ever favorite or downoad anything)
Wow. I really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Try your luck with some of our other songs we got up. We should hvae three more by the end of november. So look forward to that.
its a really good song, but its not punk. you put it in the wrong genre.
oh, my friend said it was punk rock
so then what is it?
I am a voice actor. I have messed around with flash and SUCKED ROYALLY at it. So yeah. I have one portal submission, a game, but im afraid if you play it your eyes will explode from the sheer ugliness. I also sing and play the guitar.
Joined on 6/9/08